Saturday, December 1, 2007

Wouldn't it be phenomenal if I wrote everything I was really thinking? If I just let all the bizarre thoughts I have seep out into the world wide blogosphere? I have been a tad bit reflective today, as living in a foreign country can nudge you to be. I guess I am thinking about this because I have finally come to terms with the fact that I am not Japanese-nor will I ever be. The news hit me hard the day before yesterday as I went to the downtown office to pick up my alien registration card. I was thinking of getting some cigars and getting the phrase "Its a foreigner" written on the cigars to pass out to all of my friends- which totals about two in this neck of the woods. I can afford that. It would definitely NOT be written in Kanji. Thats how non-Japanese I am. I think I am starting to come down from the initial high of being here and living in a foreign country. After discovering that I wasn't Japanese I also came to terms with the fact that my Japanese language speaking ability has become stagnant and is in great need of attention. While I am able to understand for the most part what "real Japanese" people say and are conveying with speaking and non-speaking (Japanese sometimes talk with silence) I have become less effective as a communicator and have nothing to blame but my own laziness and the existence of websites with tv shows on them. There were many other signs that I am in fact NOT Japanese but I was unable to "be a man" and face the situation. Telltale signs include: not understanding how to separate your trash properly and burn it, having the water guy come to your work to collect money for your bill because you didn't know it was a bill, and having a bad case of round eye. That one for sure. Other possible side effects may include nobody wanting to sit by you on the train. Although there is no cure for not being Japanese...... Yes so I am still so happy to be here and I can really give it my all now that my lovely Mother sent me a huge jar of peanut butter (my protein levels are now recharged) but sometimes it is tuff(sic)- not being Japanese.
Anybody else ever had this problem?

1 comment:

Wrongo Nerveman said...

My mother sent me PowerBars when I lived in Russia, and I thought they were the greatest. I don't eat them anymore though...